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Transformation Tuesday

I know we all have that family member that loves to junk pick. ( insert guilty emoji here).

Some people like to knock on it. But i've found some of the most useful, and creative pieces at farmers markets and vendors alike.

So let's get started.

I was on the way to my pre-teen son's doctor's appt, and out of the corner of my eye I spotted this table. I won't tell you the contents of what was in said table, but I loved this thing and since I had my abled bodied teen, and it was safe that everyone was in school. I seized the oppurtunity.

I love to work with chalk paint. I have a few favorites from certain brands for different materials.

It was a major trend a few years back, so much that we ( some of my close family members and I ) were going to have a

chalk party, but life happens.

So here was the table before. It had a base which I removed and drawers that I replaced with a sort of Van Clef & Arpels feel that I either found at lowes, or home depot. Either way, they are phenominal and I bought so many that I painted them different colors to use in other parts of the house.

The color I used was Satin Ice. It's devine color by valspar. Goes on very smooth, no pre- sanding required. Partially why I loved it so much. It took maybe about 2 1/2 cans.

So for an afternoon of shopping and a little elbow grease, we have the perfect playroom table that cost me, I don't know, 15 bucks? I say winner.

I cannor wait, to have this upstairs in their future playroom =)

Hope you guys enjoyed.

=) Xo Cait


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