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How to be the best guest.

So, if your in your late twenties or early thirties, chances are your attending lots of parties. When attending these said parties, there are a few rules of thumb you can follow to make the night a breeze.

Party Etiquette

No Matter the type of party that you attend there are a few "unspoken rules" that most people should be aware of.

1. Arrival: You never want to be the first to a party. Not only is it awkward being the first to arrive. Most people, just like in life don't have EVERYTHING go exactly according to plan. So if the host says 5:30, make it 5:45. That way if something didn't come out right, or the baby spits up. He or she can go on without being frazzled when you arrive at there door step.

2. Gifts

Even if the host says in lieu of...

Still bring something. NEVER arrive empty handed. It's always nice to show your host you appreciate the invite and all the hard work they went to, to putting the event together. My go to is a bottle of wine. If you host alot or are invited places frequently, it's nice to have a case at home on hand. That way if you do go somewhere and the kids are not ready, or the babysitters running late. You will always have something on the ready. ( I just so happen to have the same last name as a amazing winery out in California, so I kinda have a leg up on that, I know ALOT of teachers who may be happy to drink from something, or someone who may caused them too! ) ha. ha. Sorry guys.


If you decide to bring something other than wine, say food or flowers. Stick to something that the host can put out right away. A potted flower, dish or even candles. They are already going to be busy, so they won't have the time to get a vase and cut and put them out, your ironically creating more work for them.

3. If you do arrive, and they are in the middle of something. Ask what you can do. The mistake most people make is saying, is there anything I can do to help? Which is somewhat not helpful. If you know the person well dive right in or just walk right up and say "give me a task".

4. Don't: cling to your host. Mingle, I mean, that IS what parties are for, isn't it?

Do: RSVP, ASAP - doesn't matter if it's a kid's party, wedding. People go through alot of planning for food and adequate seating, so be sure to do it, right away.

Do: Dress appropriately, (think of where it is and who you'll be seeing. The saying goes, "you can never be too overdressed, or over educated."

and last but not least ENJOY YOURSELF, always say thank you to your host and be sure to have fun, but not too much ( you never want to be that one person who over drinks and is then talked about around the water cooler or school playground the week after ;) )

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